Sometimes I would like to travel back in time and punch myself in the face. There is no closer and more important connection than the one to oneself, I would dare say. We are tied to oursel- ves, whether we like it or not.

At times it is very difficult for me to accept who I am and the path I‘ve taken. I question all the decisions that I make and that I have made in the past. In therapy I was told to be kind to myself and to connect with my „inner child“.

Another reason I‘d consider traveling back to my childhood
is to relive experiences with the same intensity as I did back then. Spending hours observing things with fresh, unbiased eyes. In a way, photography is a tool that can put me in exactly this situation and possibly the reason for my obsession with this medium.

I‘d also argue that photography is the most effective form of time travel available today. With the click of a button, we can freeze time and preserve it „forever“. However, what‘s current- ly lacking is access to these frozen moments.


I‘d like to propose a thought experiment that explores the idea of reconnecting with my past self. A detoxifying science fiction journey into the past to connect with my „inner child“.

According to scientific theory, time travel is theoretically pos- sible, although traveling into the future is easier than traveling into the past. The best way to travel in all directions is through a so-called wormhole.

A wormhole is basically a shortcut in the universe, allowing matter to travel vast distances in a relatively short time.
This experiment stretches beyond my imagination, as my knowledge of physics and the universe is limited. It is a mind game on a visual level that is to be understood with a twinkle in the eye.

I‘m not saying that the topic isn‘t serious. It‘s my way of pro- cessing serious subjects like my mental health in a humorous manner. Connecting this future vision of time travel to aiding in the healing of depression or trauma is perhaps a desire I have. Sharing this idea in a creative way is already helpful for me.

Some may interpret this story as a naive escape from reality. That may be true, but as long as this thought exercise perso- nally helps me, it‘s worth it for me to contemplate the Earth from outer space, because from that perspective, the problems
I have seem to become very small and insignificant.

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